Hello, , , Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, Hallo,

I’m Ankit and Rookest is a platform where I share my findings and learnings. Things that came up to me as a challenge, things that fascinated me. 

If this is your first time here, you should know that this is more than just a blog. I keep notes on everything I learn from Books, articles, speeches and more, and publish it here so that you can learn from it.



PS. Feel free to let me know if you really love/hate the site and  its content. Either way, it’d help me! Cheers.

Rookest is the place for my Articles. Book Summaries & Notes. Tech Tutorials. Random Interesting Stuff. 


You'll find my blogs in here. I usually write about Software Engineering, Productivity, and Technology.


You'll get to meet the bookworm inside me. In this section, you'll find Book Summaries and Notes.


Want to access the "How to" section?
This section contains tutorials/guides.

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