Hi, I am Ankit! 👋
I am
a Programmer a Designer a Football Lover a Gamer

My love in Computers began with Video Games. Eventually, started programming. My forte is Business Applications Development. I love to dig into Problems and solve them using Modern Technology. I create, scale and optimise Business Applications that matter. I love working in an environment where I can push myself and my team members so that we build great solutions together. Challenging opportunities drive me!

I’ve got 4 years of Professional Experience in Software Engineering. Over the past 4 years, I’ve worked on various Business Applications, Enterprise Application packages, complex business problems that have an impact to an organisation’s success. I focus on delivering key outcomes and quickly adapt to new learnings. My personal and professional experiences have taught me the following about myself:

  • I’m always up for a challenge.
    I never shy away from complex problems. I live by the principle of Decomposition – breaking down problems into smaller pieces and solve them.
  • Have worked on business problems ranging from Large Scale Enterprise applications, Mid-Small Scale Enterprise Applications, Software Products and ISV Packages.
  • I’m not afraid to make mistakes.
  • I’m ambitious and always aim for improvements.
  • I like to work in a space where we aim for a goal and learn while we’re moving towards it.
  • I enjoy responsibilities and I tend to thrive under pressure.
  • I like to lead by example. “Leadership doesn’t require a designation.”
  • I enjoy team-building and Collaboration. Communication speeds up problem solving.

Let's catch up! ✍️